Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How to use catnip for humans

Catnip is an herb that offers many health benefits. The herb is soothing. It has sedative power that can calm you down. It can reduce your insomnia thus giving you an uninterrupted sleep throughout the night. Smoking catnip is a remedy to women suffering from irregular periods to regulate their menstruation. So, the benefits of consuming the herb are impressive. In this post, we will discuss how to use catnip for humans.
Smoking catnip is one way of consuming the plant. However, when we heard the term smoking it makes us little skeptic. Though smoking catnip is not illegal and not harmful to human health like smoking cannabis since smoking is a controversial term so I decided not to describe how to smoke catnip, instead, I will describe some other smart ways when it is about consuming catnip. Keep reading.

Make a catnip tea and drink:

Dinking catnip tea is one elegant way to consume the plant. You need to learn how to make catnip tea if you decide that you will eat the plant.
Things to gather to make the tea:
  • Dried catnip leaves or flowers
  • Boiling water
  • Lemon juice or honey


  • Add two teaspoons of dried catnip leaves or flowers to one cup of boiling water
  • Add lemon juice or honey to the mixture and stir the mixture.
  • Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes. By this time, the chemical ingredients of catnip herb will diffuse into the water and the mixture will cool down.
  • Drink the tea. It will have a woody taste.
You can drink the tea soon after cooling or drink it later.
Another great way of consuming catnip herb is making a fever tincture and consumes it when you are suffering from high fever. A tincture made from catnip is quite popular since the medication can reduce popular quickly. Catnip tincture is known as febrifuges. How does catnip tincture work?
The mixture stimulates the body to produce a lot of sweat. The effect is the person suffering from fever sweat profusely. The body then transfers excessive heat of the body to sweat. And the result is cool down of the body.
However, it is not a good idea to interrupt a fever. The usefulness of fever is it is a biological process of combating the virus, bacteria which causes much illness in our body. Our body purges itself from germs by creating high temperature.

But sometimes we suffer from high fever for a prolonged period of time. If the fever lasts for more than 3 or 4 days, our situation becomes awful. We lost our appetite. We feel dizziness. Treating fever then becomes urgent.
Under such a situation, you need to prepare a tincture mixture using catnip. Below I have described the process.

Things to gather:

  • Glass container
  • Dried catnip leaves
  • Wine (Vodka, rum or gin)


  • Fill 1/3 of the glass container with dried catnip leaves
  • Fill the container with your favorite wine-rum, gin or vodka
  • Seal the container with a lid.
  • Leave the container for 4-6 weeks
  • Shake the mixture from time to time.
  • By the end of 4-6 weeks transfer the mixture to a separate bottle.